Sidewalk Raising Near Me in Bronx

If you have a sidewalk that is uneven or cracked, apart from not looking pleasing it can be prone to serious injuries. But, there’s nothing to worry about at all. Bronx sidewalk repair will lift your sidewalk to the desired level in no more than fifteen minutes, making it the best option for sidewalk raising near me.

Even if your sidewalk is lifted by mere inches, it is a safety hazard. Sidewalk raising near me is the most cost-effective way to bring your sidewalk back into its original position. It is way less expensive than replacing concrete. The sidewalk raising team at the Bronx will perform this execution in a clean, quick, and efficient manner that lasts for decades.

Bronx Sidewalk Repair has expertise in both processes used for lifting the sidewalk. We have dedicated twenty years of our existence to specializing in this craftsmanship. We provide all types of sidewalk repair service including sidewalk raising near me. Be it mud jacking or poly lifting process we give our valued clients the option to choose from any of these two. Moreover, we will provide you with free estimates in respect of both processes.

A single trip or fall can lead you to bear thousands of dollars in lawsuits thus it’s better to allow us to have your sidewalk raised and fixed within no time. An inexperienced contractor may damage your slab while lifting your sidewalk hence choose wisely.

At Bronx Sidewalk Repair, where professionalism meets competence. While lifting your sidewalk we will only make a hole the size of your thumbnail in your slab. Once it’s lifted we’ll fill it as to there was never a hole in your slab. We will make your soil more compact and harden it so that the sidewalk doesn’t sink back ever again. We also provide sidewalk leveling and grinding.

Contact Bronx Sidewalk Repair right now. Our quality assurance team will guide you on the best available solutions for sidewalk raising near me, whether or not we get the job. For more details visit our About us page. Quality customer service is what matters the most!

Quick Contact

+1 718-790-0112

Problem Identification

If you notice the problem yourself or received a repair notice from the city contact us! Immediately

We are on our way!

We dispatch our team of experts quickly and promptly to assess the situation and start the repairs.

Guaranteed Results

We handle the repair up to all current codes, protecting you from unnecessary fines and headaches!